

Religion counts: 2024 Theos election appeal

Please give to our election appeal

This year, many countries will head to the polls to vote for leaders they believe are best–placed to meet the challenges of the future. Will you support our work to raise £20,000 to uncover the impact that faith can make in public life?  

2024 will see a record 50 elections take place around the world. From the UK to the US, from India to Mexico, from South Africa to Iran, the possibility for political upheaval and change is significant.  

In the places in which these key elections are taking place – some of which are seeing increasing religious disaffiliation – there has never been a more important time to ask the question: does religion count?  

As a supporter of Theos’s work, you’ll know how important it is to explore this question in the UK political landscape, so we’re hoping you might consider supporting our political engagement work this year.

You will be all too aware of the significant role religion and religious affiliation play in determining the outcome of elections in the US, despite a secular constitution.  

The US has a secular constitution – but we know the significant role religion and religious affiliation plays in determining the outcome of the election across the Atlantic. In the UK, where church and state are intermingled, the influence of religion is more subtle. Over the years, Christians, and other people of faith, have found a home in all the main political parties. We sense that this is changing. But we’re not sure why, how, or to what extent. And that’s why we need your help to uncover answers to the following questions:  

· Are there places in the United Kingdom where religion determines who gets elected? · How do people of different religious affiliations vote? What are the criteria on which they make their decision? How has this changed in recent years?
· How far do domestic affairs – economics, law and order, immigration – or international events – the war in Ukraine, or the Israel–Gaza conflict – shape religious voting patterns? 

We need £20,000 to make this happen. This will fund a robust research and polling project, as well as events and media engagement that will highlight to the public the importance of religion in politics and public life.  

A general election year provides a unique opportunity for us to explore these questions, take the temperature of how religion is doing in public life, and engage opinion–formers about the difference Christian ideas about human flourishing can make to our society. Your generosity could make this possible, by enabling Theos to:  

· Carry out polling on voting, values and the difference religious belief makes, as well as explore what matters to people as they put their vote in the ballot box
· Run public engagement events drawing together leaders and influencers from across areas of religion and public life 
· Provide media commentary that draws out what we find and makes the case for Christian ideas to those shaping our society   

As ever, we’re committed to highlight the ongoing significance of religion in our national life, and exploring what positive difference Christian wisdom can make in politics.  

Thank you in advance for committing to this project and the work of Theos in a crucial election year.

Give to our Religion Counts: 2024 Theos election appeal today.


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