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Religion & Voting Behaviour in a General Election

Religion & Voting Behaviour in a General Election

Religion Counts is discussed by Sir John Curtice on BBC Radio 4 Sunday. 26/05/2024

How much does Religion influence voter behaviour in a General Election? We get the lowdown from Sir John Curtice Professor of Politics at Strathclyde University after a report from the religious think tank Theos claimed it could be a significant factor in July.

Listen to the full segment here.


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 Image by BBC Radio 4

Paul Bickley, George Lapshynov and Yinxuan Huang

Paul Bickley, George Lapshynov and Yinxuan Huang

Paul is Head of Political Engagement at Theos. His background is in Parliament and public affairs, and he holds an MLitt from the University of St Andrews’ School of Divinity. See more of his work here.

George is a Researcher at Theos. He holds degrees in International Relations and History & Politics from the University of Glasgow. See more of his work here.

Dr Yinxuan Huang is a Research Manager at the Bible Society. His main research interests are in sociology of religion, Chinese Christianity, East Asian diasporic communities, and survey methodology.


Watch, listen to or read more from Paul Bickley, George Lapshynov and Yinxuan Huang

Posted 26 May 2024


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