Do you engage with all religions?
Theos is grounded in the Christian faith and has a particular interest in Christianity and so most of our work is done in this area. However, many of our arguments and findings relate to religion more generally, and we do look at and work with other religious traditions.
What are your values?
Theos draws its inspiration and guidance from the Christian faith, but it does not adopt a set of corporate positions. Our overarching view is that Christianity in particular and faith in general is good for a flourishing society, and that the UK should recognise and encourage this.
Are you Anglican or Catholic? Evangelical or liberal?
These terms can be emotive and are sometimes misunderstood. Theos is inter–confessional. We employ people, are advised by and draw on thinking from across different denominations and traditions, and work with people from other faiths and none.
How are you funded?
We are committed to transparency in our funding.
Theos is part of the British and Foreign Bible Society, from which it receives around half of its core funding. The majority of our published research is funded by charitable trusts, such as the William Leech Research Fellowships, the Halley Stewart Trust, Laing Family Trusts and Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts. This is always acknowledged on the research itself, except when a funder has requested otherwise.
We provide consultancy research to a range of clients, and also run a Friends and Associates programme so that individuals can support us through regular giving. Our Annual Lecture is sponsored by CCLA, which is an investment fund for charities, churches and the public sector and owned by its clients. We do not receive funding from government, corporations or religious denominations, except as clients. Please do get in touch if you have any further questions.
How is Theos structured?
The Director of Theos is responsible for other paid staff, and reports to the CEO of Bible Society, who in turn reports to the Bible Society trustees.
Can people or organisations join Theos?
Theos is not a membership–based organisation, but individuals and organisations can sign up as Theos Friends for as little as £75 per year (£40 for students).