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Dignity at the End of Life: What’s Beneath the Assisted Dying Debate?

Dignity at the End of Life: What’s Beneath the Assisted Dying Debate?

A Christian view of humanity at the end of life, by Andrew Grey. (2018)

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In spite of Parliament’s emphatic rejection of a “right to die” bill in 2015, the issue of assisted dying remains a live one. Central to both sides of the debate is the idea of ‘dignity’. This essay examines the different meanings of the word and then outlines what an understanding of dignity as being loved and valued would look like for the terminally ill. 

Andrew Grey studied Theology and Christian Ethics at the University of Oxford. He works in the voluntary sector on life–limiting conditions. He has written this essay in a personal capacity.

Foreword by Baroness Ilora Finlay of Llandaff.

“This report…examines concepts of dignity in living, particularly in the face of deteriorating health, and develops a more informed view of what dignity really is, how it is respected and enhanced, and what it can and should look like for everyone.” Baroness Ilora Finlay of Llandaff 

Image by thaiview available from under licence

Andrew Grey

Andrew Grey

Andrew Grey is co–host of The Right Work podcast with Arjun Sahdev. He has a BA and MPhil in Theology and Christian Ethics from the University of Oxford.

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