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Mapping the Field

Mapping the Field

A review of the current research evidence on the impact of schools with a Christian ethos

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This report offers a comprehensive review of the published research from the last ten years on the impact on pupils of schools with a Christian

ethos. It is timely given that nearly a third of maintained schools in England and Wales have a religious character.
The report concludes that the currently available research does not allow any definitive conclusions to be drawn. Putting it bluntly, we really know very little about the impact these schools have on their pupils. Given the high level of investment in Christian ethos schools on the part of government, churches, religious organisations and parents, this is an alarming conclusion.
The report’s authors propose a new framework for research which is detailed in full. It addresses three key areas: i) the nature and purpose of a
Christian ethos school, ii) the relationship between a school’s structures, processes and its Christian ethos and iii) the impact upon pupils
attending the school.
The report concludes with a clear recommendation as to the type of research that is now needed if we are to properly understand the impact that Christian ethos schools have on pupils. This is a wake–up call for all those involved in the “faith” sector of education. 

 Image from ramstein available in the public domain

Trevor Cooling

Trevor Cooling

Professor Trevor Cooling is Professor Emeritus of Christian Education at Canterbury Christ Church University UK, and Chair of the Religious Education Council of England and Wales (REC). Previously, Trevor worked as a secondary school teacher in biology and religious education, a university theology lecturer, a diocesan adviser and CEO of a Christian Education charity. 

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