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Piers Corbyn gatecrashes Extinction Rebellion church service to tell eco–activists they’re ‘working for the Devil’

Piers Corbyn gatecrashes Extinction Rebellion church service to tell eco–activists they’re ‘working for the Devil’

Chine McDonald is quoted in Independent article covering Piers Corbyn drama. 22/04/2023

Piers Corbyn crashed an Extinction Rebellion church service in London on Friday, telling environmental activists that manmade climate change “does not exist” and that they were “working for the Devil”.

Footage showed the 75–year–old brother of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn shouting from the aisle of St John’s Waterloo before telling a vicar to stop touching him as he was escorted out.

The crowd, which had gathered for a service titled “No Faith in Fossil Fuels“, began to sing the hymn “Amazing Grace” as the infamous climate change denier was moved from sight.

Read the full article here.


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Image by the Independant 

Chine McDonald

Chine McDonald

Chine is Director of Theos. She was previously Head of Community Fundraising and Public Engagement at Christian Aid. She has 16 years’ experience in journalism, media and communications across faith, media and international development organisations.

Watch, listen to or read more from Chine McDonald

Posted 22 April 2023


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