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Theos announces Chine McDonald as new Director

Theos announces Chine McDonald as new Director

Theos is delighted to announce the appointment of Chine McDonald as its new Director. 

Currently Head of Community Fundraising and Public Engagement at Christian Aid, Chine will join the Theos team in January 2022, taking over the leadership role from Elizabeth Oldfield. 

A highly–respected author, public theologian, speaker and broadcaster with 16 years’ experience in journalism, media and communications, Chine brings with her a wealth of executive and non–executive leadership experience across faith, media and international development organisations. 

Having studied Theology and Religious Studies at Cambridge University, Chine is a sought–after commentator and broadcaster on religion and ethics, regularly contributing to programme slots such as the BBC’s Thought for the Day, Prayer for the Day and The Daily Service. Chine also sits on a number of charity boards including Greenbelt Festival and Christians in Media. She was previously a trustee of Bible Society. 

Commenting on her appointment, Chine said, ‘I have long admired the work of Theos: its clear–sightedness, its creativity, its ability to draw people in with differing points of view, its success at presenting to the world a credible Christian voice and a non–anxious presence in a society that can at times feel increasingly fractured. 

‘I am thrilled to be joining Theos, so ably led over the past decade by Elizabeth Oldfield, and leading it into the next phase. I am looking forward to working with the excellent team on some of the most pressing issues facing our world today and in the years to come.’ 

Speaking about the appointment, Bible Society’s CEO Paul Williams said: ‘I’m so pleased that Chine has agreed to join us as our new Director for Theos. She’ll bring fresh thinking, high energy and strong leadership to build on the strong track record of Theos as it tells a better, richer story about Christian faith as a force for good in society.’ 

Former Director Elizabeth Oldfield also shared her congratulations. ‘I am delighted that Chine is stepping into this role,’ she said. ‘She has an instinctive grasp of the dynamics of public debate, and experience of the many different and delightful groups that make up the Church. I know she will be fierce in her commitment to effective communications, intellectual and theological rigour and the good of the team.’



Notes to editors

For more information, or to arrange an interview, please contact Lizzie Harvey (Head of Communications, Theos) on 07778 160 052. 

Theos conducts research, publishes reports, and holds debates, seminars and lectures on the relationship between religion, politics and society in the contemporary world. We are a Christian think tank based in the UK and a part of The British and Foreign Bible Society, charity number 232759.

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