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Exams timetabled during festivals, access to kosher food and antisemitism among issues Jewish students face, report finds

Exams timetabled during festivals, access to kosher food and antisemitism among issues Jewish students face, report finds

The Jewish Chronicle shares a number of findings from Theos’ 2019 report, ‘Faith and Belief on Campus: Division and Cohesion’. 04/07/2019

Faith and Belief on Campus: Division and Cohesion, a report by the Theos think tank, said British universities still had “considerable work to do” in order to create safe spaces for Jewish students.

Ben Ryan, Head of Research at Theos and one of the report’s authors, said: “You can’t fix issues on campus without working with students.

“This is why we talked to students who attend faith and belief societies at their universities, to understand the world through their eyes.”

Read the full article from The Jewish Chronicle here.

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Image: The Jewish Chronicle

Ben Ryan

Ben Ryan

Ben Ryan is deputy CEO and executive director for Engagement and Strategic Development at Medaille Trust, and formerly worked in policy for the CofE and as head of research at Theos.

Watch, listen to or read more from Ben Ryan

Posted 4 July 2019


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