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Keep the faith: religion and cohesion in universities

Keep the faith: religion and cohesion in universities

Simon Perfect introduces Theos’ new research report, ‘Faith and Belief on Campus: Division and Cohesion’ in this article for Wonkhe. 03/07/2019

Theos researcher Simon Perfect introduces the key themes and findings from Theos’ new research report, ‘Faith and Belief on Campus: Division and Cohesion’ in this article for Wonkhe.

When people think about religion in universities, what images come to mind? Often religion or belief issues are presented in media coverage as a source of division and a problem to be overcome.

Think of LSE’s “Jesus and Mo” t–shirt debacle in 2013; rows over events featuring pro–life speakers; pushy proselytism by Christians on campus; gender segregation and accusations of extremism in Islamic Societies. It appears that a significant proportion of people think religion creates problems in UK universities.

Read the Wonkhe article in full here.

Simon Perfect

Simon Perfect

Simon is a Researcher at Theos. He is also a researcher and tutor at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), where he leads distance–learning courses exploring Muslim communities in Britain and in other minority settings. He is co–author of the book ‘Freedom of Speech in Universities: Islam, Charities and Counter–terrorism’ (Routledge, 2021).

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Posted 3 July 2019


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