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Grenfell fire: Faith groups ‘had to fill in the gaps’ left by council, says report

Grenfell fire: Faith groups ‘had to fill in the gaps’ left by council, says report

Theos’ report ‘After Grenfell’ by Amy Plender is discussed in Christian Today.

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Faith groups responding to the Grenfell Tower fire filled a void left by Kensington Council, a report published today says.

Religious organisations were able to respond amid the chaos and ‘stood out’ for their response against the ‘widespread’ view that the council had failed residents, it claims.

‘Churches, mosques, synagogues and gurdwaras all stepped up to the plate, responding practically, emotionally and spiritually to a moment of pain and confusion,’ says After Grenfell: the Faith Groups’ Response, by the religious think tank Theos.

Read the full article and our report After Grenfell: the Faith Groups’ Response by Amy Plender.

 Image from Christian Today.

Amy Plender

Amy Plender

Amy is the author of After Grenfell: The Faith Groups’ Response. Her research interests include theological responses to suffering and mental health, theology and the arts, liturgical practice, and interfaith dialogue.

Watch, listen to or read more from Amy Plender

Posted 4 June 2018


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