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Grenfell ‘disaster tourists’ flocked to site to ‘take selfies’, report finds

Grenfell ‘disaster tourists’ flocked to site to ‘take selfies’, report finds

Theos’ report ‘After Grenfell’ by Amy Plender is discussed in The Telegraph.

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Disaster tourists flocked to Grenfell to take “grotesque” selfies, a report has found.

Research by religion think tank Theos found that some people who attended the scene of the fire under the pretense of helping survivors were in fact voyeurs looking to exploit the situation. 

Imams, priests and other community leaders interviewed for the study raised concerns about a “small but significant number of individuals” at the site of the west London fire in which 72 people died were “not there to help, but for their own ends”. 

Read the full article and our report After Grenfell: the Faith Groups’ Response by Amy Plender.

 Image by The Telegraph.

Amy Plender

Amy Plender

Amy is the author of After Grenfell: The Faith Groups’ Response. Her research interests include theological responses to suffering and mental health, theology and the arts, liturgical practice, and interfaith dialogue.

Watch, listen to or read more from Amy Plender

Posted 4 June 2018


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