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Andrew Grey on BBC’s ‘The Big Questions’

Andrew Grey on BBC’s ‘The Big Questions’

Andrew Grey, author of Theos report ‘Dignity at the end of Life’ appears on ‘The Big Questions’ discussing if the NHS still fit for purpose.

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Andrew Grey’s report for Theos on Dignity at the end of life is drawn upon in a BBC discussion on the NHS with Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain and Professor Celia Kitzinger. Andrew argues that the NHS needs to invest further in end of life care and that we need to be ‘more open talking about death and dying and preparing for the end of our life, and making our wishes known, that would make things a whole lot better’.


Watch here on the BBC iPlayer service from 36:00.

 Image from the BBC website.

Andrew Grey

Andrew Grey

Andrew Grey is co–host of The Right Work podcast with Arjun Sahdev. He has a BA and MPhil in Theology and Christian Ethics from the University of Oxford.

Watch, listen to or read more from Andrew Grey

Posted 16 April 2018


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