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Church Weddings Hit Historic Low

Church Weddings Hit Historic Low

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According to the British Social Attitudes surveys, 50 percent of the British public say they do not belong to a particular religion, which is up from 31 percent in 1983. Affiliation with the Church of England has halved during that same time period from 40 percent to now 20 percent. And even among those who belong to a religion or were brought up in a religion, 56 percent never attend religious services or meetings. 

A ComRes research study from November also found that as many as one in four, or 23 percent of respondents, said they are worried their children might be sidelined by their friends if they were to find out about their faith.

Nick Spencer, head of research at think-tank Theos, said that parents are growing increasingly worried their children will be targeted.

"Just calling yourself Christian makes little difference here; the more serious parents take their own faith, the more concerned they are to want to pass it on," Spencer commented.

Stoyan Zaimov | Read the full article at Christian Post

Image available from Christian Post


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