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Recovering the revolutionary Nature of Christianity

Recovering the revolutionary Nature of Christianity

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"The public recognition of Christianity's role in shaping our culture is increasingly uncommon, a point Nick Spencer picks up at length in his latest book, The Evolution of the West. Spencer makes a simple case: while Christianity has had a profoundly significant role in shaping the values we in our liberal Western democracies cherish, that story is increasingly being consigned to the realm of myth. We are rapidly forgetting—and in many cases, Spencer argues, even rewriting—our history so that we are no longer aware of what has made us who we are, instead explaining the origins of our collective values and convictions with a "certain historic logic that . . . sometimes [borders] on outright amnesia." That new narrative is largely one of "slow but steady secular emancipation" that equally slowly but steadily edits out the role of Christianity in shaping our values."

Jake Belder | Read the full article here

Image available from Comment Magazine.


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