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Truth and Consequences: How Christianity Shaped the West

Truth and Consequences: How Christianity Shaped the West

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"History writes historians just as much as historians write history," notes Nick Spencer in his new book, The Evolution of the West: How Christianity Has Shaped Our Values. "The presuppositions of an age, the shadows it lives under, the light it thinks it grows towards: all inform how it narrates its past."

Spencer, Research Director at the Theos think tank in London, deftly exposes our collective amnesia about the Christian roots of everything from human rights to the Scientific Revolution to the rule of law and even atheism itself. His rich, complex origin stories also make clear why that forgetfulness matters.

Natasha Moore | Read the full article from ABC Religion and Ethics.

Buy the "The Evolution of the West. How Christianity Has Shaped Our Values" here.

Image available from ABC Religion and Ethics.


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