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Theos director Elizabeth Oldfield writes for the Financial Times

Theos director Elizabeth Oldfield writes for the Financial Times

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Theos director Elizabeth Oldfield responds to a report published last week suggesting that more than half of Britons identify as having 'no religion', based on the latest data from the British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey.

Writing in the Financial Times, she says: 

"We are not moving from one default to another, but from a state of reasonable homogeneity to extremely deep difference. The already fragile consensus around British democracy, liberalism and live-and-let-live good manners, at least partly built on our Christian past, has not yet found a way of rooting itself in different soil.

And the most interesting question for the future — if we are to be a non-Christian country in an increasingly religious world — is: what will we be instead?" (Financial Times, 27th May 2016).

You can read the full article via the Financial Times

Image by Mazur/ via Flickr


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