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Elizabeth Oldfield presents BBC's 'Thought for the day'

Elizabeth Oldfield presents BBC's 'Thought for the day'

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Theos director Elizabeth Oldfield presented BBC radio 4's 'Thought for the day' programme last week. 

The programme focused on the issue of identity and where ones' "sense of self" derives from. 

"We live in an age that's fascinated around identity," she says. "The thought for many is that if we know who we are, then we will feel more comfortable in our skins."

Oldfield goes on to say: "Christians believe we find a stable sense of self not, or not soley by gazing inwards, but turning out beyond ourselves. Theology's starting point for identity is that all humans are made in the image of a trinitarian God. If God is trinity, that is father, son and holy spirit, fundamentally relational, then so are we".

You can listen to the full programme on the BBC radio website here 

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