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"A soul for the union" referenced in Christian Today

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Christian Today contributing writer Andy Walton explores the role and importance of faith in deciding the overall result of the upcoming referendum on the European Union. As research suggests that Christians are among the most Eurosceptic of faith groups, how much of a role does religion play in current debates on Europe.

Walton references Theos researcher Ben Ryan's work exploring this. In the article, he says:

"In his excellent recent essay for Theos, A Soul For The Union, Ben Ryan argues that since its outset, the EU has been influenced by Catholic Social Thought. "The early European project had a profound sense of its own identity, one that was fundamentally moral and based on the principle of solidarity. It was, at least then, a conception which was intimately tied up with a vision drawn from Christian, and particularly Catholic political and social theory."

You can read the full article here 

Andy Walton | Read the full article at Christian Today 

Image by reetdachfan from, available in the public domain



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