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A Soul for the Union referenced in The Tablet

A Soul for the Union referenced in The Tablet

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The Tablet's Melanie McDonagh iscusses Catholic responses to the Brexit debate and refers to Ben Ryan's recent report, A Soul for the Union.

"Catholics have been divided on the issue, and although several prominent Brexiteers are Catholics (Jacob Rees-Mogg, Liam Fox, Iain Duncan Smith) the weight of institutional sympathy has been with the Remain side. Recently, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor wrote movingly about the duty Britain owes to contribute its distinctive perspective to the EU. Certainly, Catholics are instinctively relaxed about a transnational institution exercising authority over national ones (though we have few illusions about subsidiarity). And there is no doubting the Catholic contribution to the DNA of the EU – its foundational Catholic character was usefully outlined in a recent pamphlet by Ben Ryan for the think tank, Theos, and in his article for this publication (The Tablet, 30 January 2016)."

Melanie McDonagh | Read the full article at (registration required)

Image by reetdachfan from, available in the public domain


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