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Nick Spencer writes about Merkel's faith for Church Times

Nick Spencer writes about Merkel's faith for Church Times

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The Church Times published a shorter version of Nick Spencer's essay on the impact of Angela Merkel's personal faith on her politics, from the series 'The Mighty and the Almighty':

"ANGELA MERKEL has often been compared to Margaret Thatcher. Both trained as scientists. Both rose to the top of their (male-dominated) conservative parties through intelligence and hard work rather than connections. And both were, or are, sincere Christians.

Here, however, is where the comparison breaks down. Lady Thatcher was an ideologue who set out her views, religious and political, with force, and then showed the public why they were right. Dr Merkel, in contrast, has always been more attentive to public opinion, preferring instead to “lead from behind”. The result is that her Christian faith is almost as obscure as the rest of her undemonstrative private life and convictions."

Nick Spencer | Read full article at

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