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Religion can make you happier, official figures suggest

Religion can make you happier, official figures suggest

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An article in The Telegraph quoted Nick Spencer in response to new figures on religion and well-being. Read the full article here
'Nick Spencer, research director of the religious think-tank Theos, said that while some of the findings could be affected by temporary factors, the findings on how worthwhile people feel their lives are suggest a “positive correlation” between religion and contentment.

But he added: “You have to recognise that this has nothing to say about the truth of every religious belief just its effect.

“It matches a trend in evolutionary thinking over the last 10 to 15 years which says that religion, having been seen in the 20th Century as a [stage] of progress, is an instinctive aspect of human nature with survival benefits to it.”'

Image by simple_tunchi0 from available in the public domain.



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