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German politicians both more and less religious than British ones

German politicians both more and less religious than British ones

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Nick Spencer's essay 'The Mighty and the Almighty: Angela Merkel' was used as a source for an article in The Economist on Merkel as a religious German politician as in comparison with Brisitsh ones. 
'ANGELA MERKEL, who grew up in communist East Germany as the daughter of a Lutheran pastor, is a "serious Christian" whose faith is mostly kept "thoroughly private", although every so often she can surprise people with public statements about her personal creed. (For example, she said in an interview in 2012 that "we Christians should not be afraid of standing up for our beliefs.") That, broadly, is the thrust of an essay about the German chancellor's religious life which has just been published by the British think-tank Theos as part of a series on political leaders and faith.'
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