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Solicitors Journal reports on Theos Annual Lecture

Solicitors Journal reports on Theos Annual Lecture

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People have no right 'not to be offended' over matters of religion, and those who kill others or themselves 'are not martyrs', according to the chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Addressing the annual Theos lecture on religion and contemporary society, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve spoke out over controversies such as the Charlie Hebdo attacks and universities who banned 'transphobic' speakers, saying freedom of expression cannot be secured if society supported a right not to be offended.

The EHRC chair called for further legislation to clarify what a religion or belief actually entails a suggestion that was welcomed by Elizabeth Oldfield, director of Theos.
'The current situation is deeply ambiguous with opposition to foxhunting recognised as a belief but not support for it,' she said.

'Baroness O'Neill's lecture was a timely reminder of the need to maintain freedom of religion in and of itself - she was clear that subsuming it into other existing rights is likely to "have costs and rouse many fears".'

John van der Luit-Drummond | Read the full article at

The Theos Annual Lecture took place on 19 November 2015 at the Honourable Society of Inner Temple and was given by Onora O'Neill, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve, titled 'Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion', and was chaired by BBC Religious Affairs Correspondent Caroline Wyatt.

Read a transcript of the lecture here


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