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The Bible for Non-Religious People

The Bible for Non-Religious People

Here we go, then: new year, new start, new resolutions, a time to try new things. My suggestion for 2014? Check out the massively influential, blockbuster-inspiring, world best-selling book... that nobody reads.


It's hard to think of a more culturally influential, societally significant, historically important or spiritually substantial text than the Bible. And yet 9 out of 10 people in this country have no regular engagement with its contents. That might just make it one of the most undervalued resources out there.


Everybody should try the Bible, but hardly anybody does.

Bible Society research suggests that only around 1 in 10 people in England and Wales are 'actively engaged' with the Bible. A 2012 report from Theos summarised research showing that 6 out of 10 people 'never' read the Bible - despite the fact that, in the same survey, 82% of respondents considered it to be either a useful book of guidance (37%), the divinely inspired word of God (26%) or beautiful literature (19%).

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