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‘Church without god’ looks for new ways of funding mission

‘Church without god’ looks for new ways of funding mission

As churchgoers attend services this Sunday, one unusual central London congregation will eschew the collection plate in favour of an altogether more modern way of raising money: crowdfunding.

The Sunday Assembly – an atheist gathering, popular with urban professionals, that describes itself as a “godless congregation” – is launching a digital fundraising campaign. The goal is to raise £500,000 to expand the organisation.

Using the crowdfunding model – which brings individuals and groups together online to fund projects from start-ups to films and political campaigns – Sanderson Jones, the assembly’s co-founder, hopes to build “hundreds and, if all goes to plan, thousands” of communities.

The excitable, rangy Mr Jones, who has a big ginger beard and looks as Jesus might had he been a British hipster, says the services, which involve participants singing pop anthems such as “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen and Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition”, are aimed at “celebrating being alive”.


Nick Spencer, research director at Theos, a Christian think-tank, points out that atheist churches are not new. “Over 100 years ago, the ethical church movement started, [populated] with people who had lost their faith. This isn’t the driver in this case.”

Nonetheless, Mr Spencer finds parallels in that both are urban and driven by a desire for community and “meaningfulness”.

Fundraising, he says, is a good test of a group’s strength. “It’s one thing to meet, it’s another to pay for it.”

Emma Jacobs | Read the full article on

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