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Letters to the Editor- The Times

Letters to the Editor- The Times

Sir, Tim Montgomerie (Opinion, June 10) is wrongheaded for three reasons. First, he seems to be saying “stop exercising your religious freedom, it’s threatening religious freedom”. Religious freedom (like freedom of speech generally) is the freedom to say things which are unpopular. A strategy which seeks to maintain freedom of religion or freedom of speech by never saying or doing anything that makes anyone else uncomfortable is doomed.

Second, Montgomerie has bought into the idea that religious people engaging in public debate are “imposing their conception of morality on the rest of the population”. Engaging in our shared democratic life, proposing a vision of human flourishing and the common good as it relates to our personal, social and political existence is not “imposing” but “proposing”. Without citizens engaging, campaigning, voting and contributing to our lawmaking according to their own passions and priorities we have no democracy at all.

Finally, Montgomerie’s call for religious people to stop focusing on common issues and instead argue only for their own freedom would have the exact opposite effect to the one he hopes for. Already, faith groups are too often seen as defensive and self-interested.

Elizabeth Oldfield
Director, Theos


Image by William Arthur


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