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Is there a 'religious right' emerging in Britain? - ABC Religion and Ethics

Is there a 'religious right' emerging in Britain? - ABC Religion and Ethics

Britain has a habit of adopting America's political traits, be they presidential-style primaries or televised debates. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it seems the British quietly admire American politics - or, at least, some forms of American politics.

America's theo-political landscape, specifically the development and influence of the religious right between the late 1970s and mid- to late-2000s, is not only not admired in Britain - frankly, it is despised. The religious right is, in effect, held up as some hideously concrete example of why Christianity and politics shouldn't mix. The British may have adopted a great deal from American culture in the post-war period, but they have not - thank God - adopted this.

Nick Spencer | To read this article in full, please see


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