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No 'Religious Right' in the UK - Premier

No 'Religious Right' in the UK - Premier

The research finds the American label inaccurate and calls for caution in using this language in a British context.

"Is There a ‘Religious Right’ Emerging in Britain?" examines demographic, social and political data and takes a close look at some of the groups accused of being part of a US-style Religious Right.

It concludes that for the foreseeable future it's unlikely there will be because believers tend to be economically left-of-centre and there are no signs of them favouring one political party for their agenda.

It also states the use of the term "US style Religious Right" makes it more difficult to have a reasoned and thoughtful public conversation about some of our biggest questions.

One of the report's authors Nick Spencer told Premier's Des Busteed on the News Hour Christian groups do have influence but they're not biased to one particular party.

To read the article in full, and listen to Nick Spencer speaking to premier radio, please see


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