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Is there a 'religious right' emerging in Britain? - Evangelical Alliance

Is there a 'religious right' emerging in Britain? - Evangelical Alliance

The latest research report from Theos rejects the oft-quoted predictions of the emergence of a 'religious right' in Britain. Following several high-profile media portrayals drawing comparisons between the actions of Christian groups to the religious right in the US this report sets out to establish what that looks like and whether it is a legitimate label to use.

The report analyses the characteristics of the religious right in America and the path it has taken over the past 40 years. One of the key features is the coalition that developed between evangelical Christian groups and Catholics, and the pursuit of common policy goals. While those policies include sexual ethics and abortion they also extend to a preference for small government, military intervention and support for Israel. In America the evangelical and Catholic communities also constitute a far larger proportion of the population and have used this size to exercise significant influence on the political landscape.

Daniel Webster | To read this article in full, please see


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