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'Pilgrimage' makes 21st Century come-back as 11 million visit cathedrals

'Pilgrimage' makes 21st Century come-back as 11 million visit cathedrals

New research suggests that at least 11 million people, not counting foreign tourists or school parties, have visited one in the last 12 months – almost three million more than previous estimates.

And while many were drawn by the historic architecture and art, large numbers also spoke of “spiritual” experiences, the study by the think tank Theos found.

Even atheists, agnostics and followers of non Christian religions said they could feel a “sacred” side of England’s ancient churches.
Church leaders say it shows that despite an apparent decline in organised religion, the public retain a spiritual instinct.
The study concludes that the distinction between tourists and “pilgrims” is becoming increasingly blurred as visitors take advantage of the silence in the centre of busy cities.

Official Church of England figures recently showed a surge in attendances at services in cathedral, at a time when parish churches have struggled to maintain congregations.

It suggests that while fewer people maintain formal links to the Church, many are still drawn to aspects of it such as the choral music.

The study involved two sets of polls by ComRes – a national survey of 1,700 people in England and more detailed polling of another 2,000 in six cathedral cities – as well interviews with hundreds of people who attend. Overall it found that 27 per cent had been in a cathedral in the past year alone.

While Anglicans were the most likely to have been in one – 35 per cent – a quarter of those polled who said they followed other religions had visited one recently.

John Bingham | To read the full article go to


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