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Working 9 to 5(am)?: Work and its Limits in the Post–Covid World

Working 9 to 5(am)?: Work and its Limits in the Post–Covid World

Marking the launch of Theos’ new report on the future of work, we will consider how we view the work in our lives – and the future of it.

You can watch the recording of the event here:

Where and how we work has changed a lot over the past year. The near future looks like one where work will continue to be disrupted – from automation, climate change, and ongoing Covid disruption.

But what about when we work? Whether it’s well–paid knowledge workers, or people employed in the gig economy, increasing flexibility means work can happen at any–place and anytime. While ‘WFH’ works well for many, large numbers report feeling isolated and are left with a sense of being always on.

Overwork is the single largest factor in occupational disease, and causing hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide. We need to pay attention to the relationship between work and time. The Judeo–Christian tradition has an ancient answer to this contemporary problem, instituting the limit on working time that we know as the Sabbath. How can we acknowledge the principles of rest and limits in the contemporary workplace, and how should we shape work and workplaces for a time after the pandemic?

This event on 20th July at 4pm marks the launch of Theos’ new report on the future of work and will consider how work is likely to change, and asks how Christian thinking can contribute to a better future in spite of present disruptions.

Speakers include Theos Research Fellow Paul Bickley and Associate Fellow Barbara Ridpath, with guest contributors Andrew Pakes from Prospect Union, and Sheila Nicoll, Head of Public Policy at Schroders and Lay Canon at St Paul’s Cathedral. The event will be chaired by journalist Stefan Stern.

There are two ticket options – one is free and the other gives the option to donate as you book your ticket – any amount you are able to donate with your ticket helps us do what we do at Theos. Thank you.

A Zoom link will be sent to you upon booking.

Please note the event will be livestreamed on YouTube – if you don’t wish to be visible please turn your camera off.

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 Photo by Carl Campbell on Unsplash

Paul Bickley

Paul Bickley

Paul is Head of Political Engagement at Theos. His background is in Parliament and public affairs, and he holds an MLitt from the University of St Andrews’ School of Divinity.

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