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Rebooting capitalism

Rebooting capitalism

Dr Eve Poole spoke at Theos on 16th November 2017 about the evolution of market capitalism, its problems and alternatives.

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In Science, no–one believes the earth is flat any more. Economists, on the other hand, haven’t budged from their original worldview. 

Market capitalism depends on seven big ideas: competition, the ‘invisible hand’, utility, agency theory, pricing, shareholder value, and limited liability. These served the world well in the past, but over the years they have become cancerous, and are slowly killing the system as a whole. If you zoom in on any of these firm foundations, they start to blur and wobble.

On 16th November 2017, Dr Eve Poole from the Ashridge Business School spoke to Theos about these issues. She demystified the essence of prevailing economic thought and offer alternative views for a healthier system. Because the market is just a mass of messages about supply and demand, the rich world shapes the market in its image, because it has more ‘votes’. So if we want to change the way things are, we don’t need to wait for the experts, we can start now, by using our votes more strategically.

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Eve Poole

Eve Poole

Dr Eve Poole is the Third Church Estates Commissioner for England, and Chairman of the Board of Governors at Gordonstoun. She has a BA from Durham, an MBA from Edinburgh, and a PhD in theology and capitalism from Cambridge. She is the author of several books, most recently Buying God: Theology and Consumerism. 



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Dr Eve Poole spoke at Theos on 16th November 2017 about the evolution of market capitalism, its problems and alternatives.


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