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The Evolution of the West: How Christianity has Shaped our Values

The Evolution of the West: How Christianity has Shaped our Values


Nick Spencer argues that our cherished values were not simply born in the Enlightenment – Christianity played a key role in the development of values of dignity, rule of law, welfare, capitalism, human rights, nationhood, ethics and democracy. What is more, he says Christianity has also informed the development of humanism, secularism and atheism. Spencer warns that contemporary liberal secular society is in danger of losing sight of the basis for its deepest values.

Nick Spencer is author of The Evolution of the West: How Christianity Has Shaped our Values (2016). 

Wednesday 29th March 2017

Oxford Martin School: Seminar Room
University of Oxford
34 Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BD


General admission: £12.50

Book tickets for this event here

Nick Spencer argues that it is wrong to write Christianity out of the development of our modern values.


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