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Can religious believers and atheists agree about anything?

Can religious believers and atheists agree about anything?

The New Atheist storm might have blown over but plenty of big questions remain.

Routledge recently published a collection of essays, entitled Religion and Atheism: Beyond the Divide which tackled many of these big questions – but in tone and style that was somewhat more constructive than has sometimes been the case of late.

Four of the contributors – Nick Spencer, Julian Baggini, Lois Lee, Fern Elsdon–Baker – will be discussing religion, atheism and whether believers and unbelievers can agree on anything. The event will be chaired by the book’s editors Anthony Carroll and Richard Norman.

About the panelists:

Nick Spencer is Research Director at Theos and author of a number of books including his most recent The Evolution of the West: How Christianity Has Shaped our Values (2016). 

Julian Baggini is a philosopher, writer and journalist, author of many books, and a Patron of the British Humanist Association.

Lois Lee is Director of the Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network and a research associate at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University College London.

Fern Elsdon–Baker is Director of the Centre for Science, Knowledge and Belief in Society at Newman University, Birmingham


About the Chairs:

Anthony Carroll is an Anglican priest and Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Theology at Heythrop College, University of London

Richard Norman is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Kent and a Patron of the British humanist Association

Date: Tuesday 14th March 2017

Venue:  The Chapel, King’s College London, The Strand, London WC2R 2LS

Time: 7.30–9.00pm

Book tickets for this event here

Image by Columbia GSAPP, from Flickr, available under this Creative Commons License.

A discussion on atheism, religion and the question of whether believers and unbelievers agree on anything.


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