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Durham Explore Day: Religion and Well-being

Durham Explore Day: Religion and Well-being

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‘Well-being’ is much discussed in the contemporary world. What is rather less well known is the substantial academic evidence that shows how faith significantly contributes to well-being. This is the subject of a new report by Theos, Religion and Well-Being: Assessing the Evidence. In an age when faith is sometimes blamed for a wide range of societal ills, this is important data.

Nick Spencer from Theos and Professor Walter Moberly and Revd Helen Thorpe will be leading a day entitled ‘Religion and Well Being’ on Friday 7 October in Durham.

Admission is free to students of Cranmer Hall and St John's College, £10 to all others. To book a place contact Val Strickland on

Friday 7th October

Leech Hall, St John's College, Durham

9.30am to 4.00pm

In addition, 4.30 to 5.30 pm on Friday 7 October in the Leech Hall will take place the public northern launch of Theos’ report, Religion and Well-Being: Assessing the Evidence. All are welcome to this event, chaired by the Rt Revd Mark Bryant, Bishop of Jarrow, for which admission is free.

Image by Vik Walker from available under this Creative Commons Licence



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