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The EU Referendum - Remain or Leave? Christian Voices

The EU Referendum - Remain or Leave? Christian Voices

Giles Fraser and Ben Ryan will go head to head on the EU referendum, Andrew Goddard will speak on Christian approaches to the debate, and there will be a time for questions and answers from the panel.

The debate, talk, and Q&A panel will be taking place on 20th May 2016, with Giles Fraser (Co chair Christians in Britain), Ben Ryan (Author of A soul for the union) and Andrew Goddard (author of The EU Referendum: How Shall we decide?).

Each will be speaking from the perspective of their Christian faith.

Come and hear different perspectives Christians are taking, how their faith impacts their decision, and how Christians can begin to think their way through the issues at stake.

Bring your questions to ask the panel, chaired by Liz Goddard.

All welcome.

Friday 20th May 7.30pm-9.30pm

(Refreshements from 7pm)

St James the Less Church
Vauxhall Bridge Road
SW1V 2PS for more information

Image by St James the Less.


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