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Soul for the Union: why the debate is on the wrong issues

Soul for the Union: why the debate is on the wrong issues

The debate about the EU referendum is happening on the wrong issues.

The EU was orginally about more than economics, and it can be this way again - in fact it will need to be, if Britons are going to have anything substantial to encourage them to vote Remain in the upcoming referendum.

Ben Ryan is a Researcher at Theos, and author of numerous Theos reports including A Soul for union, which sets out a moral dimension to the European Union which has seemingly faded since the project's conception.

Come and hear Ben speak at 7.30pm Tuesday 14th June in All Saints Ecclesall Parish Church.

Parish Church Halls, Ringinglow Road,

Sheffield S11 7PP

Contact the church here.

Image by Jai79 from available in the public domain.


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