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Chaplaincy in Action Conference

Chaplaincy in Action Conference

Chaplaincy has changed. At a time when UK society seems increasingly dominated by secular habits and assumptions, and when religious attendance and affiliation seem to be in decline, there are more and more stories of chaplaincy spreading into new settings. No longer – if indeed it was ever the case – are chaplains limitedto Anglican clergy in a few institutional settings. Today chaplains are everywhere and include figures of all faiths and none.

This conference is the third in a series of Chaplaincy Conferences held at York St John University in support of chaplaincy research, training and development.

The focus will be on identifying and extending the research agenda for chaplaincy in the light of its continued growth and salience. Research into chaplaincy can generate fresh insights to enhance practice, promote public theology, and assist the strategic thinking of the faith institutions that deploy chaplains as well as the secular organisations that appoint or employ them.

Ben Ryan, author of the Theos report A Very Modern Ministry: Chaplaincy in the UK, will be on a panel at the conference, and will share reflections from his research into the current state and nature of chaplaincy across the UK.

The conference is taking place 9th-10th June 2016, and more details can be found here.

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Image by skeeze from available in the public domain.


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