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Churchill Leadership Project - Faith and Religion Panel

Churchill Leadership Project - Faith and Religion Panel

2015 is the fiftieth anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill’s death and the seventy-fifth anniversary of his “finest hour” in 1940 when he became Prime Minister.

To commemorate this anniversary a 21st century 'statesmanship programme' has been established to provide a tribute to Churchill’s legacy as a world statesman and to explore some of today’s top level strategic issues.  

Theos has been working with a number of other organisations, including St Mary's University, Twickenham, on a panel exploring the implications of religious issues for global leadership in the 21st century. This event will see the launch of the panel report.

This event if free, but registration is required.


Caroline Wyatt, BBC Religious Affairs Correspondent
Francis Campbell, Vice Chancellor of St Mary's Twickenham, formerly UK Ambassador to the Holy See
Professor Mary Macaleese, former President of Ireland


Westminster Central Hall, Storey's Gate, London SW1H 9NH

Date and Time:

Friday 23 October, 8 for 8.30am - 11am 

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Image by MsSaraKelly under Creative Commons 2.0


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