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Reconnecting Politics With People

Reconnecting Politics With People

Theos, the Centre for English Identity and Politics, Theology and Religion in Public Life, and the Southern Policy Centre invite you to join a fascinating evening of conversation about politics, power and faith.


Based in Baltimore, Arnie Graf has more than 50 years’ experience of community organising. A disciple of Saul Alinksy, Graf mentored a young Barack Obama while both were involved in church-based community action. In 2011 Ed Miliband appointed him to his team of advisers with a special brief to conduct a root-and-branch review of the Labour Party and reconnect it with voters.

Danny Kruger is chief executive of the criminal justice charity Only Connect which helps prisoners, former criminals and young people at risk of re-offending. A former special adviser to David Cameron, Kruger was a leading advocate of the Big Society, ‘compassionate Conservatism’ and the need for the party to embrace social justice. He is a former chief leader writer at the Daily Telegraph.

These two thinkers and activists are associated with different political traditions but both have been closely involved in the links between faith and political action. Both are often critical of the dominant models of politics, highlighting the importance of values and human relationships. Their conversation is likely to spark new thoughts about how change can be brought about.

The conversation will be moderated by Isabel Hardman, assistant editor of The Spectator.

This event is hosted by the Centre for English Identity and Politics, Theology and Religion in Public Life, at University of Winchester, the Southern Policy Centre, and Theos. It has been kindly sponsored by
the Industrial Christian Fellowship ( and the Free Churches' Group (

Thursday 22 October: 6.00 for 6.30 pm (wine reception to follow at 8.00 pm)

Stripe Auditorium, University of Winchester

Admission £5.00, including wine and refreshments beforehand.

Booking essential: to book your place please click here.

Enquiries please contact: Andrew Bradstock (

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