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Is the Bible a bridge or a barrier to democracy?

Is the Bible a bridge or a barrier to democracy?

On behalf of the International Bible Advocacy Centre at Bible Society and Christians in Parliament, IBAC would like to invite you to a panel discussion and research launch:
Is the Bible a bridge or a barrier to democracy?
with Major General Tim Cross CBE, Nick Spencer (Theos), Dr Mike Bassous (Bible Society in Lebanon) and Francis Elliott (The Times).
Moderator: James Featherby
On the night, everyone will also receive a copy of the new research publication: Democracy, Conflict and the Bible: Reflections on the role of the Bible in International Affairs. 

Monday 30 November 2015

7pm drinks reception, 7:30-9pm

Macmillan Room, Portcullis House,
House of Commons, London SW1A 2LW
Entry via Main Entrance, Victoria Embankment
Please allow 20 minutes to pass through security
RSVP by 23 November 2015 to or 01793 418 222



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