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Wales Public Theology Summit

Wales Public Theology Summit

The Wales Public Theology Summit, hosted by the Cymru Institute for Contemporary Christianity, brings together Christians from a wide variety of contexts, to think and talk through the future of Christianity in Wales.

Welsh Christians and Churches have had a long and honourable history of influence in the public square. Coming up in October is an exciting opportunity to engage together across the nation, to consider how we can grasp the way God’s love for us and our love for others can have renewed impact in our own generation.

This is sometimes called ‘public theology’, and we want to invite you personally to join in this innovative meeting of Christian leaders in Wales, to develop a biblical and contemporary grasp of public theology, and how we can face the challenge of raising up new leaders for the public square for future generations.

Theos' Nick Spencer will be speaking at the event on ‘Doing God’ today: Christianity in Public Life'. 

Eglwys y Santes Fair

Aberystwyth, SY23 1EB

Thursday, 8 October 2015, 10am to 3:30pm

£10, including refreshments, but bring your own lunch

Purchase tickets here


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