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Theos Chaplaincy conference March 2015

Theos Chaplaincy conference March 2015

At a time when UK society seems increasingly dominated by secular habits and assumptions, and when religious attendance and affiliation seem to be in decline, there are more and more stories of chaplaincy spreading into new settings. Today chaplains are everywhere and include figures of all faiths and none. Andrew Todd, Ataullah Siddiqui, Ben Ryan and Joy Carter discuss our new report on the phenomenon of chaplaincy: A Very Modern Ministry: Chaplaincy in the UK. 

Listen to Rev Canon Andrew Todd, Director of the Cardiff Centre for Chaplaincy Studies, discuss the scope of chaplaincy in the UK

Listen to Dr Ataullah Siddiqui, Reader in Religious Pluralism and Inter-Faith Relations at the Markfield Institute of Higher Education, respond to Andrew Todd

Listen to Ben Ryan, researcher at Theos and author of our report A Very Modern Ministry: Chaplaincy in the UK, discuss the impact of chaplaincy

Listen to Professor Joy Carter, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Winchester, respond to Ben Ryan


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