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Beyond Election Day: Power, Money, Government and Responsibility

Beyond Election Day: Power, Money, Government and Responsibility

The forthcoming General Election has brought to the fore public discussion about the role and effectiveness of many of our social institutions.  A growing number of voices have been calling for a new political settlement – one that re-imagines the relationship between politics, government, business and civil society. A settlement that places the common good at the heart of decision-making, which allows politicians to move away from short-term electoral constraints and which encourages us all, as we excercise our democratic right to vote, to consider that voting for reasons greater than our own self-interest would be in our mutual self-interest. 

The recent Bishops’ Pastoral Letter called for a “fresh moral vision of the kind of country we want to be” that must “focus on the common good, the participation of more people in developing a political vision and constructive ways to talk about communities and how they relate to one another.”  One week before the election, St Paul’s Institute, in partnership with Theos and Together for the Common Good, will bring together key speakers to help us form this fresh moral vision in a public discussion held under the historic dome of St Paul’s Cathedral.  

How do we get politics and business working for the common good?  What role should personal judgement and mutual responsibility play in our commercial and social decision-making?  How can we harness relationships with clear purpose for the long-term benefit of all? 

What will make this real – and not just some utopian fantasy?



Prof. Craig Calhoun – Director, London School of Economics and Political Science

Loretta Minghella OBE – Chief Executive, Christian Aid

Conor Kehoe - Director, McKinsey and Company

Shami Chakrabarti - Director of Liberty

Wednesday 29th April, 6.30pm

St Paul’s Cathedral, London EC4M 8AD

This event is free to attend, but registration is essential.  To register for tickets please click below.

Eventbrite - Beyond Election Day: Power, Money, Government and Responsibility


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