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Speaking Up: Defending and Delivering Access to Justice

Speaking Up: Defending and Delivering Access to Justice

This discussion in the Houses of Parliament on 9th March will be to mark the launch of the Theos report 'Speaking Up: Defending and Delivering Access to Justice.' Authors Andrew Caplen and David McIlroy will be joined by other speakers to discuss the Christian commitment to justice and advocacy in the context of the government’s legal aid reforms. There will also be a time for Q&A.  Complimentary copies of the report will be made available to all attendees on the night.

Sir Mark Hedley has commended Speaking Up saying “This is an important essay worthy of time for reading and reflection. Part 1 comprises a scholarly summary of the Biblical emphasis on the centrality of justice in God’s political economy and the importance not only of equality before the law but in access to justice and to advocacy... Part 2 provides a compelling analysis of why we are where we are and the danger of taking justice in the UK for granted. Part 3 offers thoughts for a Christian response; this essay makes clear the need - perhaps Christian lawyers should tithe their time and talents too.”  


Tickets to this event are by invitation only.


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