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Is post-liberalism the future for British politics?

Is post-liberalism the future for British politics?

For the past generation a combination of economic and social liberalism has been intellectually and politically dominant. But the consensus is fraying, at both ends of the political spectrum, with a number of prominent thinkers recognising the problems of liberalism even while celebrating and preserving its strengths.

David Goodhart, author of A Postliberal future?, has been at the forefront of this critique, and is speaking at Theos on what post-liberalism is (and what it isn’t) and how it may shape British politics over coming years.

Spaces are limited so booking early is essential. 

David Goodhart was founding editor of Prospect and is Director of Demos and author of The British Dream

The event will be held at Theos, 77 Great Peter Street, SW1P 2EZ on Thursday 16 October. Doors Open 6.30pm

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