The Mighty and the Almighty: Angela Merkel
This essay will form part of a collection examining how a range of political leaders have 'done God'
In DepthThis essay will form part of a collection examining how a range of political leaders have 'done God'
In DepthThis essay will form part of a collection examining how a range of political leaders have 'done God'
In DepthTheos Researcher Ben Ryan looks at the future of religion in the UK.
In DepthBen Ryan discusses religious identity in the 21st century and the challenge it poses for leadership
In DepthNick Spencer asks whether we should find solace in Thomas Piketty's bestselling Capital in the 21st Century
In DepthMaddy Fry look at how Just War theory may help us navigate the data mine field.
In DepthEdward Stourton, BBC journalist