This new animated film by Emily Downe, created in partnership with Culham St Gabriel’s Trust and Canterbury Christ Church University, unpacks the idea of worldviews. 13/05/2021
What is your view of the world? What makes you who you are?
This new animated film by Emily Downe, created in partnership with Culham St Gabriel’s Trust and Canterbury Christ Church University, unpacks the idea of worldviews and invites the viewer to consider how their own unique view of the world might co–exist with other, sometimes quite different, vantage points held by those around them.
The film was inspired by our recent report Worldviews in Religious Education, which interprets and develops the idea of “worldview” and explores its implications for the future of RE in the UK.
More widely, the film brings a much–needed reflection on religious literacy in the UK and reminds us that in an increasingly pluralistic society, there is no neutral perspective and everyone sees the world through a certain lens.
It is our hope that the film will be a powerful tool for classroom learning, transforming a complex concept into an accessible and personal format, stimulating conversation and encouraging pupils to think through their own worldview and how this impacts their lives.
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