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The Theos team’s Christmas book recommendations

The Theos team’s Christmas book recommendations

10 book recommendations for Christmas, by the Theos team. 18/12/2018

In the run up to Christmas, we thought it would be a good time to stop and reflect on some of our favourite books from the last year. Not an easy task for a team of avid readers.

This little video is a top 10 selection of some of the team’s favourites which we hope gives you some inspiration for any last minute Christmas gifts or just for a book to settle into over the festive period. 

1. The Bullet Journal Method – Ryder Carroll 

2. How Democracy Ends – David Runciman

3. Love, Imperfectly Known: Beyond Spontaeous Representations of God – Brother Emmanuel of Taize

4. The Sixteen Trees of the Somme – Lars Mytting

5. A Keeper – Graham Norton

6. Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical – Timothy Keller

7. The Shepherd’s Life: A Tales of the Lake District – James Rebanks

8. A Monster Calls – Patrick Ness

9. Radical Help – Hilary Cottam

10. The Once and Future Liberal – Mark Lilla

10 books for Christmas from Lizzie Stanley on Vimeo.


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