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New report reveals Archbishop's politics

New report reveals Archbishop's politics

A new report published today by the think tank Theos, examining the politics of the last three Archbishops of Canterbury, reveals that they have been among the most consistently controversial political figures of the last 30 years.

‘Turbulent Priests?’ examines the political interventions of Rowan Williams, George Carey and Robert Runcie in every government since 1979.

Covering issues as wide ranging as asylum, criminal justice, military conflict and church schools, the report asks whether the Archbishop’s politics have been self-interested, outdated or unrepresentative, as critics claim.

It concludes that archiepiscopal politics is anything but self-interested, with the Archbishop regularly defending the rights of those beyond the church and willing to risk government and even popular condemnation in doing so.

Commenting on the report, Nick Spencer, Research Director at Theos said:

“Whether or not British politicians ‘do God’, the Archbishop of Canterbury certainly does politics.

“From Faith in the City in 1985, through ‘sharia-gate’ in 2008, to today’s reaction to Rowan Williams’ comments on coalition politics, the Archbishop of Canterbury has proved himself willing to join the fray.

“Many people don’t like that, but it makes for a more interesting and more honest public debate.

“The Archbishop of Canterbury repeatedly proves that he is better able to ‘start a national debate’ than almost anyone else in the country.”

David Martin, FBA, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, London School of Economics commented:

“This analysis of the content of archiepiscopal comments and interventions on matters of public interest over roughly the last thirty years…is remarkably objective, informative, and carefully thoughtful”

Turbulent Priests? can be downloaded here.

Theos will be hosting a debate on the Archbishop’s politics in the autumn. Details to follow.

Elizabeth Oldfield

Elizabeth Oldfield

Elizabeth is host of The Sacred podcast. She was Theos’ Director from August 2011 – July 2021. She appears regularly in the media, including BBC One, Sky News, and the World Service, and writing in The Financial Times.

Watch, listen to or read more from Elizabeth Oldfield

Posted 11 August 2011


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